Art being created in 50 metre corridor at Wexham Park Hospital
11 January 2021
11 January 2021
We are delighted to tell you about work having started on the green corridor at Wexham Park Hospital. Just before lockdown, the dream and over a year long planning to create artwork along the corridor, funded by your generous donations to the children’s and neonatal unit started. Sadly it had to stop at the start of the lockdown.
Helen from Inspired Spaces
In that time, we welcomed back Inspired Spaces, having worked on the design for over 6 months to create intrigue, colour and a sense on calm. We worked with our estates team to prepare the walls and away we went. The walls will end up taking us through a journey of forests around the world with coordinated colourful illustrations of trees, leaves and animals.
The objective is to create a corridor that reflects colour, light and a story for children from 0-18 years going to or coming from a surgical procedure in theatre.
Helen from Inspired Spaces
The corridor was a traditional NHS décor and lacks a basic therapeutic element. The staff know how important it is to create a sense of calm going towards a procedure and wanted to create this ‘journey’. This will reduce stress, fear and anxiety and aid treatment for the doctors either side too. All will feel a sense of enhancement yet mood changing feelings.
Emma Carr, Arts and Creative Health Manager
Helping to aid communication with children, young people, family, friends and staff as they walk along the corridor. Our aim and trust values to work together to make the patient experience the best it can be and your support helps us do just that.
Creating an innovative model across the trust.