
Ward 17 Artwork

Ward 17 Artwork

Ward 17 is one of our Dementia care wards at Wexham Park Hospital, and for various reasons, it’s detrimental that those patients have an outside view. However, there is a need for dignity and privacy so people can’t look in.

Our arts programme worked on the area, and landscape scenes and floral motifs were chosen to adorn the windows. Not only does this give patients a pleasant outlook, but it beautifully reflects soft-coloured light throughout the ward, which differs as the time of day progresses and the sun’s strength changes.

In addition to the artwork on the windows, the doors to single patients’ rooms have been vinyl-wrapped to display major landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Taj Mahal.

This provides an easy way to differentiate and refer to individual rooms; it makes them easily recognisable and identifiable, which helps with confusion, language barriers, and communication. It also gives patients on the shared wards something vibrant and fun to look at.

The feedback that we have been receiving has been overwhelmingly positive.

“We had a family that did not want to move to this ward due to past experiences many years ago; however, after an hour, they were impressed with all the work that had gone into it.

“I have seen both patients and visitors just stare at the windows with smiles on their faces.

“The hallway artwork leading up to the ward is also great; the impression is it’s fresh, and you certainly feel like you are going to a warm environment.”

Diana: Senior Sister, reflecting on the feedback she has been receiving.

This is just the latest example of our ‘improving spaces programme’, which we are committed to. We will continue to help thousands of patients feel better every year.

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